Gone Green
Gone Green
Philomela, in all ways, is committed to a feminine voice. Our founding principles, name (the myth of Philomela), celebration of home, collaborative operations system, and involvement in community non-profit projects all reflect this basic value system, a philosophy rooted in creative individual growth, respect and care for each other, and the environment. Nowhere is a shift in priorities more urgent, then with the challenges we face with global warming, and the need to better tend to Mother Earth.
Textile waste product is second only to big oil detritus. As digital printers who print to order, we avoid stocking inventory and discarding unused product. We are now also releasing a card deck of our patterns (over 300 currently in circulation) and base cloth ring, urging our clients to switch from the industry standard of physical samples unless absolutely necessary. Inspired by young activists who are so passionately expressing concerns about future inheritance, we look forward to embracing positive change and doing our small part, Philomela style.
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